Algorithm Design Case Study
Design Objective:
CRE8 design studio was tasked with designing a new gaming mouse for a client. One of the client's specific requests was to have a unique and eye-catching pattern on the mouse that would differentiate it from other gaming mice on the market. This provided an opportunity to explore the use of Grasshopper, a parametric design tool, to create complex and visually appealing patterns.
Design Objective:
The objective of the project was to create a gaming mouse with a unique pattern with their logo that would stand out in the market, while also meeting the client's functional and ergonomic requirements.
Brainstorming and Sketching:
The design process began with brainstorming and sketching sessions to explore different design concepts and ideas. The team generated multiple design concepts, ranging from more traditional shapes to more futuristic and unconventional designs.
Grasshopper Modeling:
Once the team had a general direction for the design, they used Grasshopper to create 3D models of the mouse design. They quickly realized that working with mesh and NURBS surfaces in Creo 3D was a challenge, as the software was not designed to work with both at the same time. This presented a major obstacle to the design process. To overcome this obstacle, the team came up with an experimental solution. They continued to use Grasshopper to create the overall shape and pattern design of the mouse, but instead of trying to import the mesh directly into Creo 3D, they used Rhino 3D to convert the mesh into NURBS surfaces. This allowed them to export the NURBS surfaces into Creo 3D and create a detailed 3D model of the mouse that was suitable for mass production.
Design Solution
The final design featured a sleek and ergonomic gaming mouse with a unique and visually striking pattern. The use of Grasshopper allowed the design team to create a complex and organic pattern that met the client's aesthetic requirements, while also allowing for rapid iteration and experimentation. While there were some challenges involved in converting the Grasshopper pattern into a format suitable for mass production, the team was ultimately successful in creating a design that met the client's requirements and could be manufactured at scale. Overall, the use of Grasshopper proved to be a valuable tool in the design process, allowing the team to create a unique and visually striking pattern that helped differentiate the gaming mouse from others on the market.
Algorithm Deisgn Course
In order to get up to speed with the integration of grasshopper into the design process. I was assigned to create a Algorithm Design Course for senior designers in the Cre8 studio.
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Algorithm Deisgn Course
In order to get up to speed with the integration of grasshopper into the design process. I was assigned to create a Algorithm Design Course for senior designers in the Cre8 studio.
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Additional Case - Dell
Dell, a global technology company, was looking to update their brand identity to better reflect their values and position in the market. They wanted to create a new visual language that would unify their product portfolio and communicate their commitment to sustainability and innovation. Design Objective: The objective of the project was to create a new brand identity for Dell that would be consistent across all products and touchpoints, while also communicating the company's values and vision. Design Research: The design team conducted research into Dell's brand history, as well as the company's values and vision. They also explored trends in brand identity design and sustainability, looking for inspiration and best practices. Design Process: The design team began by creating a set of design principles that would guide the project. These principles emphasized simplicity, sustainability, and consistency across all touchpoints. They also established a color palette and typography that would be used consistently across all products. Using these principles, the team created a set of design concepts that explored different approaches to the new brand identity. They tested these concepts with focus groups and internal stakeholders, gathering feedback and refining the designs based on the input. Once the design direction was established, the team began working on the specific applications of the new brand identity, including product packaging, marketing materials, and digital interfaces. They also created a set of design guidelines that would ensure consistency across all touchpoints. Design Solution: The final design featured a clean and modern brand identity that was consistent across all products and touchpoints. The use of a limited color palette and typography created a cohesive and recognizable look for the brand. The design also emphasized sustainability, with eco-friendly materials used in product packaging and a focus on energy-efficient products. Overall, the new brand identity successfully communicated Dell's values and vision, while also providing a cohesive and recognizable look for the brand. The use of a limited color palette and typography created a consistent visual language that was easily recognizable across all touchpoints. The emphasis on sustainability also helped position Dell as a responsible and forward-thinking company.